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How can we help

23rd March 2020

We are all acutely aware that current circumstances have effected everything we do and particularly the way we interact and do business. We are also aware that our customers will continue to need farm machinery to carry out the farming cycle and grow food to fill the empty supermarket shelves!

What are Ellis Machinery doing to help?

If you want to come and see the machinery in the yard please feel free, you don't need to come into reception and shake our hand, but you can view the machinery safely outside.

If you can't travel and come and see the machinery we can talk you around the machine via a video call or more detailed photos and video.

All machinery is thoroughly washed and valeted and you can receive delivery without any social interaction.

All of our stock will be listed on the website as quickly as possible and our excellent aftersales service and support will continue as before.

We will continue to keep everyone updated as things progress but be assured we will continue to support Britain's farmers with quality used agricultural machinery.

Thank you for your continued support.

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